7 Fetishes

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May 26, 2011 12:40 pm
  1. montagguy reblogged this from 7fetishes
  2. pornpong reblogged this from kidkylesea and added:
    Man spread instead - Borris
  3. myfavp reblogged this from kidkylesea
  4. prowlingman reblogged this from 7fetishes and added:
    ignore the cuffs, man. pay attention to what’s important. if you can’t, you don’t deserve this.
  5. errancesprit reblogged this from gazolakos
  6. gazolakos reblogged this from 7fetishes
  7. xloveberriesx reblogged this from 7fetishes
  8. 7fetishes reblogged this from kidkylesea
  9. catullusad reblogged this from dark-truth
  10. hotpicture reblogged this from kidkylesea
  11. layinginbed18 reblogged this from kidkylesea
  12. vbdaddy reblogged this from kidkylesea
  13. lustfuldesires reblogged this from kidkylesea
  14. kidkylesea reblogged this from bicetre
  15. bicetre reblogged this from rubythroat
  16. ucmeicu reblogged this from themostdangerousplaything
  17. weappeartoberunningoutofnames reblogged this from themostdangerousplaything and added:
    so he can’t touch them…they get nothing until they make him cum…which i couldn’t imagine would take too long - or is...
  18. themostdangerousplaything reblogged this from dark-truth and added:
    I was going to say the same damn thing. I can’t imagine a scenario where the guy would need to be cuffed down to have...
  19. dark-truth reblogged this from themostdangerousplaything and added:
    To cuff them up of course.
  20. delghec reblogged this from themostdangerousplaything
  21. poopiemonkey reblogged this from themostdangerousplaything
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