7 Fetishes

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October 14, 2011 10:33 am
  1. confetticolorati reblogged this from art-or-porn
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  5. mollymildred reblogged this from dacrylagnia
  6. dacrylagnia reblogged this from confessionsofagood-girl and added:
    “You’re my good girl. Mine to cut and spank and fuck and kiss.”
  7. shootingupwithdavidbowie reblogged this from thisismysexyblog
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  17. randomstuffthatdoesstuff reblogged this from subcristi
  18. msdulcet reblogged this from art-or-porn and added:
    I wish that I could get this.. so badly.. today is not a good day
  19. jauntyaffair reblogged this from sweetbabyjesusletsfuck
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  21. sexyfreaks reblogged this from sweetbabyjesusletsfuck
  22. mrsbriarnorthman reblogged this from sweetbabyjesusletsfuck and added:
    Mmm, long, tight hugs from @_VikingNorthman is his way of telling me that he loves me without saying a word.
  23. deviantcutie reblogged this from subcristi and added:
    on him do wonderful things
  24. wordofsir reblogged this from subcristi
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  26. subcristi reblogged this from larbare and added:
    More than anything I wish I could be in your arms, safe in your strong arms. More than the sex, more than losing my v,...
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