7 Fetishes

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September 30, 2011 10:00 pm
  1. allforyoumysweet reblogged this from wearefetish and added:
    a good pet does what she is asked
  2. o0o0o0o0o0o0o0 reblogged this from stylehottiesandbitching
  3. unconventionallover reblogged this from thepinkpapers and added:
    Ah yes… the *other* arrangment of feet and footwear that happens to be surprisingly sexy.
  4. amuferderseinebeibennecourt reblogged this from randomstuffthatdoesstuff
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  13. black--rain reblogged this from over-and-above
  14. tinkervampnaughty reblogged this from wearefetish and added:
    Mmmm…..Obeying her beholder??
  15. cherryxcola reblogged this from over-and-above
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  23. lovemylatina reblogged this from libraryvixen and added:
    welcome home, honey.
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