7 Fetishes

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September 30, 2011 4:16 pm
  1. chiffonkitten reblogged this from sinlikeyoumeanit
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  3. apathyangelus reblogged this from twistedmissy and added:
    “Do you know what you did wrong?” *nods & whimpers* “Say it.”
  4. seriocopulo reblogged this from sinlikeyoumeanit and added:
    ask Me for a throat fuck
  5. makemebegforit-please-sir reblogged this from twistedmissy and added:
    “You can do better than that. Let’s try again shall we?”
  6. cynstorm reblogged this from twistedmissy
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  9. subcaption reblogged this from templeofbabalon and added:
    Eye contact. Such...small thing to do, such powerful effects.
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  14. briskeet1 reblogged this from sinlikeyoumeanit
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